||KANON カノン||-アンティック-珈琲店-||Lock on the New Sekai|| <body><script type="text/javascript"> function setAttributeOnload(object, attribute, val) { if(window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }, false); } else { window.attachEvent('onload', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }); } } </script> <div id="navbar-iframe-container"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> gapi.load("gapi.iframes:gapi.iframes.style.bubble", function() { if (gapi.iframes && gapi.iframes.getContext) { gapi.iframes.getContext().openChild({ url: 'https://www.blogger.com/navbar.g?targetBlogID\x3d2348981639946243540\x26blogName\x3dKANON_%E3%82%AB%E3%83%8E%E3%83%B3\x26publishMode\x3dPUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT\x26navbarType\x3dBLUE\x26layoutType\x3dCLASSIC\x26searchRoot\x3dhttps://kanon-forever.blogspot.com/search\x26blogLocale\x3den\x26v\x3d2\x26homepageUrl\x3dhttp://kanon-forever.blogspot.com/\x26vt\x3d-7812871103434798647', where: document.getElementById("navbar-iframe-container"), id: "navbar-iframe" }); } }); </script>

HAI ... Sian ... tomolo goin leenalee's b.dae wif Lavi [myfwen not sis] , Allen and her fwens ... They so nice lo ... tomolo damn packed ... 1st we goin J.E then 2 Jurong Point then if still got time we maybe goin Lavi's or Leenalee's house ... or maybe go their house 1st lo ^^ So happy sia !!! They also like an cafe . im KANON , Leenalee's BOU , Lavi's MIKU and Allen's TAKUYA then next week after piano on sun. , we i goin 2 celebrate after PSLE wif leenalee lavi and allen ... sian lo ... yuki not goin ... T-T ... don tok le ... hav 2 decide wad 2 wear ...


アンティック-珈琲店- -Kanon カノン

yo guys !!! happen 2 find tis pic. at ..... eh 4get leh ... haha ... no rippin ar ! lol . I'll kill u !!! serious ! lol coz last time i gave my fwen 1 pic. is e girl hold e cross then some1 go take . so damn asshole . haiz ... so bored la ..... sian ... goin bintan ! ^^ yay~~ !!! no big dealllllllllll !!! hahahaha.............haha now hearin an cafe e song ... haha damn funny ... haha don tok le ... buy buy !!!

アンティック-珈琲店- -Kanon カノン

...PSLE ova !!!! ^^ haha ... now evari dae play com. then soooo damn freakin happy . ~~YAY~~ now also learnin antic cafe's song ON PIANO !!!! e 2nd 1 !!!!! yay !!! haha ... ANW nowadaes still wari borin ... .... ... haiz ... 2dae no piano so don need go out . hai tomolo still gt sch borin sia ... so unesasari ... hai ... hey tell u wat ... how many sides does a circle have ? haha , 2 of coz . inside , outside ... ^^ hahahaha ... nowadaes is like , fun fun fun . and i cant w8 till campin !!!!! ... but ... haiz ... juz feel like ................. so B.O.R.I.N............


アンティック-珈琲店- -Kanon カノン


Count on your fingers the things that are truly important and needed
In the end, the important things are few
What's left, is generally unneeded trimmings

People hurt and are hurt
You recognize, the first time you've been hurt, right?
As long as the long silence continues, you'll still be afraid of being alone
Someone who can't even protect the bonds they have tied, is a powerless and
monotonous living being

Without succumbing to the cold
Ahead of the warmth, I'm searching for only you
I don't want to imagine the truth of being unable to talk or meet with you
Even the sea of stars opening wide across my shut eyelids were to gently

Even if we were to fight and be pulled around
(It's not like the relationshipof a magnet's) north and south poles
There is no freshness but a calm entwined thread doesn't have any resistance
Let's stop doing the most uncool thing of not stepping in after we have made
up our minds

I don't need you to understand, just sympathize with me
Beacuse I'm bad at putting a price onto words
If it's you who knows true kindness, come and undo my pain
In this distance where we're breathning the same air. I belive that there's only

Ah, Undoing a bond
Ah, Can be unexpectedly simple
Ah, It's unexspectedly hard to tie a bond
Ah, That has come apart
Let's stop doing the most uncool thing of not stepping in after we have made
up our minds

I don't need you to understand, just sympathize with me
Beacuse I'm bad at putting a price onto words
If it's you who know true kindness, come and undo my pain
The sea of stars opening wide across mu shut eyelids will overflow outside of
the wharf

...the song dosent matters ... wat matters is the lyrics ...


アンティック-珈琲店- -Kanon カノン

Murderous me........

ever had those kinda dreams?where u hate tat person so much tat u cn imagine ureself killing tat person ?
well....i had
as a matter of fact......it shld be HAVE
i tink everybody noes her.....
i suppose so.......
bt anw
rite now
im tinkin........

i wanna POKE out .... her eyeballs
throw e lower half of e body into e thresher while ..... is still conscious
*at least she cant see wats being done to her! (hey tats nice of me)
then i shall saw of her skull n expose ....brain
knock out ALL .... teeth
rip off ...ears
sew up.......mouth
stab .....at e abdomen n let ...... intestines flow out
then i shall mesh e brain
*wonder whether she'll be dead by then


to tell e truth....
i had more ways of dealing with ......
jus tat i din wanna bore u wif my imaginations
some ppl said maeb i shld b a doctor
then cn see all e organs
bt i dun wan......noe why?

n i cn assure u, my imagination will shock even e most ruthless real life killer
if there were past lives......
im sure i was once a serial killer



アンティック-珈琲店- -Kanon カノン

YAY~~ PSLE ova ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ! Can play ler ... now can concentrate on piano also ... also can draw anime !^^ yay !!!!! now paren also buy damn lot vid. games 4 me ...my life:happy !!!!!!^^ but ...... if results not good then .... like e hell i care ^^ bye bye ~~~ sayonara ! i go draw le !

An Cafe

アンティック-珈琲店- -Kanon カノン

异世界 so damn rok lo ... not like e nerd band damn suck . why don let them win lo ... anw , <3 <3 them !!!!!!!!!

アンティック-珈琲店- -Kanon カノン


Avatars / Icons

This BLOG features Antic Cafe, a J-Rock/Visual Kei band.


Avatars / Icons

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Pixel Icons at Ego Box -アンティック-珈琲店- Pixel Icons at Ego Box
NaMe : Kanon カノン
B. Dae :July 5th
Musicals : Bass[Guitar] & Piano
Colors : Black,Gold & Blue
Fav. stuff : Anime,Video Games
Luvs : Rock Music
Character : Seldom toks,Mysterious

Antic Cafe
♥ Kanda ♥
♥ Tokyo Majin ♥
♥ Alice Nine ♥
♥ Being alone ♥
♥ Myye HP ♥

X People who showoff X
X People who suck up X
X Act cute bo cute people X


Avatars / Icons

KANDA aka my sis 小妹[younger come here see KANDA^.^]
♥LOk YI♥


BondS ~Kizuna~ - An Cafe


September 2008
October 2008